Thursday 25 April 2013

Acting piece

Reference video of Alec firing a bow and arrow.
Final acting piece using the above reference video.


Final shuttlecock bounce,

Bowling ball

Bowling ball reference used from YouTube to help with animating on Soft Image.
Final bowling ball

Tennis ball bounce

Reference tennis ball bounce.
Final Tennis ball bounce.

Max Rigged Character/ Walkcycle

Capture of final walk cycle.

Practice with posing Max in Soft Image.

Ball roll

Practice ball role.

Mr Potato Head

Thursday 10 January 2013

Joy Batchelor

Here are the links for my final animation for digital skills. It won't screen it on here for some reason so just follow the link. First complete short animation on After Effects, edited in Final Cut Pro. Enjoy!`



After effects: Lesson 3

After effects: Lesson 2

After effects: lesson 1


This clock was simple to animate. The individual assets were given to us in a compressed folder e.g. the clock face, number, hands etc. 
On creating a new composition I named it and saved it straight away. Then imported my files by double clicking in the project window. I then dropped them into the timeline, rearranging layers to make sure all the assets were visible.
Here all that needed to be animated was the hands. This involves rotating and moving the pivot point from the middle of the minute hand layer(for example) to the bottom. With all layers in after affects, the pivot point/ anchor point with always be in the middle unless you want it otherwise.
I added different numbers of rotations for the different hands e.g. 5 rotations in 2 seconds for the second hand, 2 rotations in 2 seconds for the minute hand and 1 rotation in 2 seconds for the hour hand. This way they move at different speeds.

More photoshop practice.

Here we're practicing cutting around images and refining the edges so that they look neat with no fuzzy, pixelated edges.
Tools used were:
- The magic wand tool
- The magnetic lasso tool
- The 'Refine edge' button
- Free transform (cmd + d) 

Keep Out Sign

Using these assests, we had to create a keep out sign using newly    learnt skills on photoshop.

This involved using:
   - Crop tool
   - Magic wand tool
   - Magnetic lasso tool
   - The 'inverse' button (found under 'select' along the top menu bar)
   - The 'Refine edge' Button
   - Drop shadow effects
   - Transforming and scaling a layer ( cmd + d)